3-9 November 2021, 19:30 at Werk X, Vienna
Yoli Balulu is not doing well at all.
At the start of the adventure, we find the protagonist Balulu in the midst of an existential crisis, crushed by self-doubt and confined to his Viennese apartment, due to the corona lockdown, where he subsists on a diet of Netflix, YouTube, and soft-core Russian Marxists porn starring ex-Soviet gymnasts who go by the name Putin Brothers and Sisters.
His successes as a director, in projects both comedic and dramatic, are distant objects in the rearview mirror, and now he is fixated on his own inevitable demise and the eventual end of the universe.
So begins a satirical adventure in which Balulu plumbs the chasms of Europe and America’ self-obsessed culture. While he searches for meaning in his life and career, this Balulu is also trying to reinvade himself as the leader of a new social movement, he is starting, called: The Mask.
More info and tickets here
March 4th and 5th, 2020: theaternyx*: DIE JAHRE by Annie Ernaux
Posthof Linz, Posthofstraße 43, 4020 Linz, Beginn 20:00
More info and ticket reservations here oder // 0732/78 18 00
Friday, February 21st 19:00 Uhr
„Krawalle und Liebe” concert at SCHNITZEL IM KONTEXT- a light-cultural Show: WERK X at Häuserl am Spitz
Where: Gasthaus Häuserl am Spitz, Franz-Siller-Weg 116, 1120 Wien
A theatrical song evening with Miriam Fussenegger, Susanne Gschwendtner & Klaus Erharter
What happens when two actresses and a pianist embark on a musical journey?
Playful interpretations of well-known and yet undiscovered songs. Miriam Fussenegger, Susanne Gschwendtner and Klaus Erharter weave a thread of musical movement. From Horace Silver to Habanot Nechama, from Brecht to Britney, from Léo Delibes to Lambert / Hendrix / Ross. A humorous approach towards love and an ode to music.
Vocals: Miriam Fussenegger & Susanne Gschwendtner
Piano: Klaus Erharter
Tickets and more Info here
We at TOXIC DREAMS are extremely happy and proud! We won BEST OFF-PRODUCTION for THE BRUNO KREISKY LOOKALIKE!
Here is a nice article about the work.
So – come along to watch the final 3 episodes of THE BRUNO KREISKY LOOKALIKE
January 10-18th 2020 at WUK, Wien
The sitcom The Bruno Kreisky lookalike is a huge rating success. The network decides to commission 4 new episodes. The adventure of Hermann Swoboda as the Bruno Kreisky look-alike continues. New twists and turns, new advertising campaigns, new personal conflicts, new cast members. Austria is falling in love with Hermann Swoboda.
The premise:
Hermann Swoboda is an insurance broker who eats more Greek salad than the average Greek citizen in a desperate attempt to lose weight. He also hates his current life and bitch about it in his weekly psychoanalysis meeting.
Critical Mass is a leading Austrian advertising agency desperately looking to expand their market share. Their own commissioned research shows that the most trusted personality in Austria is still Bruno Kreisky. They devise a plan to feature a Bruno Kreisky look alike in their advertisement campaigns.
Hermann Swoboda happens to look like Bruno Kreisky. A marriage of convenience occurs. The insurance broker gets to live a new life as a minor celebrity aka The Bruno Kreisky lookalike. Critical Mass cashes in by selling all things, Kreisky.
The Bruno Kreisky Look Alike is a fake Netflix sitcom, filmed in Austria for an international audience.
Reserve your tickets here
GREAT NEWS: We at TOXIC DREAMS were nominated for the NESTROYPREIS !!!
TOXIC DREAMS was nominated for the Nestroypreis for best Off-Theater Produktion with their production THE BRUNO KREISKY LOOKALIKE !!! We are all very happy about this nomination and are excited about the final episodes 7-10 in January 2010!!!
SAVE THE DATE in your calenders: THE BRUNO KREISKY LOOKALIKE, Episodes 7-10 at WUK from Jan 10-19, 2020 at WUK!!!
More info about the nomination here
1st of December, 2019, 20:00h
Another concert of KRAWALLE UND LIEBE at Theater Drachengasse
Krawalle und Liebe
A theatrical song evening with Miriam Fussenegger, Susanne Gschwendtner & Klaus Erharter
What happens when two actresses and a pianist embark on a musical journey?
Playful interpretations of well-known and yet undiscovered songs. Miriam Fussenegger, Susanne Gschwendtner and Klaus Erharter weave a thread of musical movement. From Horace Silver to Habanot Nechama, from Brecht to Britney, from Léo Delibes to Lambert / Hendrix / Ross. A humorous approach towards love and an ode to music.
Vocals: Miriam Fussenegger & Susanne Gschwendtner
Piano: Klaus Erharter
Tickets and more info here
November 16th, 2019, 19:30h
KRAWALLE UND LIEBE at the Festival Wachau in Echtzeit
Krawalle und Liebe
A theatrical song evening with Miriam Fussenegger, Susanne Gschwendtner & Klaus Erharter
What happens when two actresses and a pianist embark on a musical journey?
Playful interpretations of well-known and yet undiscovered songs. Miriam Fussenegger, Susanne Gschwendtner and Klaus Erharter weave a thread of musical movement. From Horace Silver to Habanot Nechama, from Brecht to Britney, from Léo Delibes to Lambert / Hendrix / Ross. A humorous approach towards love and an ode to music.
Vocals: Miriam Fussenegger & Susanne Gschwendtner
Piano: Klaus Erharter
Tickets and more info here
Samstag und Sonntag von 22. Juni bis 18. August 2019, Beginn: 16.30 Uhr
TRAUMSCHIFF – ALLES LÄUFT SCHIEF – a Desastrical at Kultursommer Laxenburg
Starring: Adi Hirschal, Susanne Gschwendtner, Pia Baresch, Christian Deix, Olivier Lendl, Thomas Mahn und Christina Scherrer
Regie: Viktoria Schubert
Tickets and Info here
April 26 – May 4 2019 at WUK
The sitcom The Bruno Kreisky lookalike is a huge rating success. The network decides to commission 3 new episodes. The adventure of Hermann Swoboda as the Bruno Kreisky look alike continues. New twists and turns, new advertising campaigns, new personal conflicts, new cast members. Austria is falling in love with Hermann Swoboda.
The premise
Hermann Swoboda is an insurance broker who eats more Greek salad than the average Greek citizen in a desperate attempt to lose weight. He also hates his current life and bitch about it in his weekly psychoanalysis meeting.
Critical Mass is a leading Austrian advertising agency desperately looking to expand their market share. Their own commissioned research shows that the most trusted personality in Austria is still Bruno Kreisky. They devise a plan to feature a Bruno Kreisky look alike in their advertisement campaigns.
Hermann Swoboda happens to look like Bruno Kreisky. A marriage of convenience occurs. The insurance broker gets to live a new life as a minor celebrity aka The Bruno Kreisky lookalike. Critical Mass cashes in by selling all things Kreisky.
The Bruno Kreisky Look Alike is a fake Netflix sitcom, filmed in Austria for an international audience.
The Bruno Kreisky look-alike is part of the real fiction cycle
Tickets and Info here
March 10, 2019, 20:00h KRAWALLE UND LIEBE
A theatrical evening with songs at Theater in der Drachengasse, Vienna
Krawalle und Liebe
What happens when two actresses and a pianist embark on a musical journey?
Playful interpretations of well-known and yet undiscovered songs. Miriam Fussenegger, Susanne Gschwendtner and Klaus Erharter weave a thread of musical movement. From Horace Silver to Habanot Nechama, from Brecht to Britney, from Léo Delibes to Lambert / Hendrix / Ross.
A humorous approach towards love and an ode to music.
Vocals: Miriam Fussenegger & Susanne Gschwendtner
Piano: Klaus Erharter
Tickets and more Info here
NOV 17-24, 2018: toxic dreams and Njetflix present:
Hermann Swoboda is an insurance broker who eats more Greek salad than the average Greek citizen in a desperate attempt to lose weight. He also hates his current life and bitch about it in his weekly psychoanalysis meeting.
Critical Mass is a leading Austrian advertising agency desperately looking to expand their market share. Their own commissioned research shows that the most trusted personality in Austria is still Bruno Kreisky. They devise a plan to feature a Bruno Kreisky look alike in their advertisement campaigns.
Hermann Swoboda happens to look like Bruno Kreisky. A marriage of convenience occurs. The insurance broker gets to live a new life as a minor celebrity aka The Bruno Kreisky look alike. Critical Mass cashes in by selling all things Kreisky.
The Bruno Kreisky Look Alike is a fake Netflix sitcom, filmed in Austria for an international audience.
The Bruno Kreisky look-alike is part of the real fiction cycle.
Episode 1 – 3: Nov 17 – 24, 2018
7.30 pm at WUK
Währingerstraße 59, 1090 Vienna
Tickets und Info here
20 years ago we started a journey, on board of the toxic dreams. We wanted to have a name that sounds more like an indie band than a performance group, in the same vein as Sonic Youth or Radiohead. We regretted it later when in every interview we gave the same question came: Why toxic dreams?
20 years later we decided that it is time to go on the road, with Moby-Dick as our text/road map. Partly because it is time to live the indie band life for once at least, and partly because we are coming to the end of our The New-Old cycle and it is time to go back to the 60s, to pretend for 3 weeks that we are a traveling hippie performance group. After all, Grotowski and Barba are as old news as Shakespeare.
When we started, 20 years ago, the common reaction was: you are doing too much. The ‘dramaturgy police’ didn’t like the chaos we put on stage. Too much text, too many props, too much music, too many styles and forms for a single show. But this was our raison d’être, the too much. This was and still is our Pynchonian theatre.
20 years later and we chose to celebrate with Herman Melville, the king of too much. Moby-Dick is a book about everything. God. Love. Hate. Identity. Race. Sex. Humour. Obsession. History. Work. Capitalism. Environment. Every aspect of life reflected in the bizarre mosaic of this book. Melville opened his heart to Nathaniel Hawthorne, in letters, about what he was going through, what he was working on with Moby Dick, and, like a great artistic friend and mentor should, Hawthorne never said, “Don’t you think you need to scale it down a bit?” or “Who will want to read 20 consecutive chapters about the etymology of blubber?” No. Hawthorne basically just kept saying to his friend, “Keep going. It’s brilliant. Keep going.”
It’s not too much!
The basic story Melville was working on was quite simple. It was based on real events, as they like to say in Hollywood. He could have written 150 pages about the Essex, an old whaler ship. A sperm whale attacked and sank her. The sinking stranded the 20-man crew in the southern Pacific Ocean with little food and water. During the 95 days the survivors were at sea, they ate the bodies of five crewmen who had died. When that was insufficient, members of the crew drew lots to determine whom they would sacrifice so that the others could live. A total of seven crew members were cannibalised before the eight survivors were rescued. A perfect story that would have cemented Melville’s reputation as an adventure novelist, the J. K. Rowling of the 19th century. But he decided that the story is too simple, too thin.
It was time to write too much. It was time to write the mother of all books.
And it is time for us to do another of our ‘too much’ projects. On the road with Moby-Dick…
Follow our logbook here or visit our online travel blog on
(Last week of August/first two weeks of September 2017, showing in late 2017 and early 2018.)
August 9 and 11, 2017 – Impulstanz Performance of THE AUDITION
LizArt Productions/Toxic Dreams present
THE AUDITION – For the Role of Stephen Hawking in THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING
A protagonist – Stephen Hawking, probably the most famous physicist in the world today, a popular movie about this solitary personality, and a fictitious casting studio for the role of the hero – this is the material the group toxic dreams uses to examine a question that is both pressing and hilarious: why are disabled people mostly portrayed by non-disabled people on the silver screen? The characters in the piece by toxic dreams are the celebrated casting director Nina Gold and three contenders for the main part in the biopic about Hawking, The Theory of Everything. Which of them is the most “authentic”? And what happens when the usual constellation is turned upside down?
Performances Wed 9th of Aug at 22:30 Friday, 11th of August at 19:00h at Schauspielhaus, Porzellangasse 19, 1090 Vienna as part of the Impulstanz Festival
Auditioning for the role of Stephen Hawking: Elisabeth Taylor (Elisabeth Löffler), Conny Clarke (Cornelia Scheuer), Dominik Grünbühel
Nina Gold: Anna Mendelssohn
Assistent: Susanne Gschwendtner
Stage: Andreas Strauss, Sound: Michael Strohmann,
Written and directed by Yosi Wanunu, Produced by Kornelia Kilga
June, July 2017 – Shooting the new Servus TV-Series Vollblut
Starring Julia Richter, Christoph Luser, Laurence Rupp, Patricia Aulitzky, Michou Friesz, Jeanette Hain, Aaron Karl and more
Directed by Andreas Herzog/ Christopher Schier
June 7th 2017 – Premiere of HOME OF THE NOT SO BRAVE at brut
The heroine of toxic dreams’s new play is a flat: one of those simple, unspectacular flats in one of those turn-of-the-century Vienna houses with its high ceilings and double doors. The protagonist has the number 12, third floor, 98 square metres.
Home of the Not So Brave documents the lives of the tenants of no. 12 over several decades. It is a detailed account of their trivial lives at their respective times, a mingle-mangle of human absurdities. The only thing these people have in common is this flat, otherwise they could not be more different: a Jewish family in 1930, a single man in 2016, a lesbian couple in 1970, two women in 2015, an anonymous tenant from an unidentified time, a neighbouring woman’s dead dog. Layer by layer, the characters reveal themselves and their dense web of imagined and potential relationships to the audience,
Details here
Premiere Wednesday June 7th 2017, 20:00h
Further performances on June 8, 9, 10, 13 and 14, 20:00h
brut wien
Karlsplatz 5, 1010 Wien
Tickets, 01/587 87 74-10
Players Anna Mendelssohn, Susanne Gschwendtner, Markus Zett, Isabella-Nora Händler // Voice Over Howard Nightingall // Trumpet Alexander Kranabetter // Set design Paul Horn // Music and visuals Michael Strohmann // Assistant director Isabella-Nora Händler // Stage hands Paul Horn, Christine Lindauer, Dario Stefanek
Written and directed by Yosi Wanunu // Production Kornelia Kilga
March, April 2017 – theater NYX* is doing it again: “Das wird mir alles nicht passieren… Wie bleibe ich FeministIn”
After a successful run in Linz in 2016, we are taking this show to Salzburg.
- Performance 2016
Only 4 performances on 21st and 22nd of March and 5th and 6th of April at 7:30pm
at ARGEkultur, Ulrike-Gschwandtner-Straße 5, 5020 Salzburg
Show time: 100 min; no break; price includes a 2-course meal and wine!
For reservations click here
Text Marlene Streeruwitz // Directed by Claudia Seigmann
Concept Claudia Seigmann, Claudia Dworschak // Dramaturgical collaboration Markus Zett // Set design Leonie Reese
Starring: Susanne Gschwendtner, Dorit Ehlers, Claudia Seigmann, Markus Zett und Leonie Reese.
Feb 11 2017- BERLINALE PREMIERE of Motza El Hayam (Low Tide)
I am extremely happy and proud to be playing a lead role in this first feature film by the Israeli director Daniel Mann and even more chuffed to be going to the Berlinale this year where the film will have its official premiere!!!
Written and directed by Daniel Mann.
Starring: Gal Hoyberger, Susanne Gschwendtner, Amnon Wolf, Eran Ivanir, Oleg Levin und Amit Berlowitz
Director of Photography: Ziv Berkovitch
Editing and Music: Or Ben David
Sound Design: Michael Goorevitch
Production design: Shasha Dotan
Produced by Itai Tamir, Laila Films, Ilann Girard, Arsam International
More details about the film and screening dates here
Februar 2017 – Morton Feldman says at Tanzquartier Vienna
In this new toxic dreams performance Morton Feldman Says we would like to put the loud, brash, at times slightly vulgar Feldman at centre stage. Or to be precise, we would like to put the man behind the music, with all of his unpretentiousness and gentle subversiveness, for an hour of examination.
Performances Februar 2-4 2017 at 19.30 at Tanzquartier Wien/Halle G
For more details click here
Nov/Dec 2016 – Working with toxic dreams again
Toxic Dreams is currently developing a new production, working title: It’s always foggy in Vienna. It’s always foggy is the second instalment of their multi-year project, recounting the story of a single apartment building in Vienna. Workshop presentation will be at the beginning of December 2016, final project showing dates in April 2017, more details coming soon.
September 2016 – Thomas B or not at brut Vienna
A Screwball Comedy or Hate story in 5 acts with a prologue and not so happy epilogue. First performances: September 25-29, 2016 at brut, Vienna
More details here
The story
He is a successful playwright, working mainly for the state theatre. She is a successful performance artist, working mainly in the fringe.
They are a couple. They team-up to write and produce a ‘play’, a theatre piece based on their life.
But what is this ‘play’? Is it an autobiographical piece? A documentary theatre? Is it a postmodernist joke? Is it a detective story with a tragic ending? Is it just a conversation piece about the nature of art? Is it a simple love story? A murder mystery? And will they still be together by the time the ‘play’ is staged?
A classical Screwball Comedy normally ends in marriage, but this time it probably won’t…
June – August 2016
Performing the comedy song-drama „Ewig Jung“ for a second season at the Laxenburger Kultursommer.
Make up by Marietta Dang
Performing every Saturday and Sunday from June 25th until August 21st 2016.
For performance dates and tickets click here.
May 2016 – theaternyx* performance at Posthof Linz
I am very happy to be working with theaternyx* on their new project. Director Claudia Seigmann and artist Claudia Dworschak invite the audience to sit around a table. Together we eat and drink, we share stories, we listen. Each one of us is sitting in the front row, each one of us could tell one of these stories just like Marlene Streeruwitz does in her book »Das wird mir alles nicht passieren. Wie bleibe ich FeministIn.«
Premiere on May 18, 2016, 8pm at Posthof Linz
Further performances: 20. / 21. / 22. May 2016, 8pm
For tickets and infos click here.
March/April 2016 – toxic dreams and The Mechanical Paradise at Metro Kino
„The Mechanical Paradise“ tells the story of Georges Méliès.
Welcome to our world of cardboard dreams, painted fantasies, shabby costumes, beat-up performers and cheap adventures. Our moon is made of paper, our mermaids knew better days. Welcome to our trick picture spectacle. Welcome to the cinema of attractions.
The performance
The film we are shooting, live on stage, is a sort of biopic about the man, Méliès, who dared to dream too much. Into this story we are interweaving the action of filming several of his movies. We will recreate several shorts by Méliès starting with the first movie he filmed ‘Playing cards’ and going through ‘The Vanishing Lady’, ‘The Mermaid’ and ‘The Trip to the Moon’. The last movie we will recreate is a fictional one, in it we are imagining what would have happened if Méliès would have tried his hand in doing Griffith. The fictional movie is titled “The Jews” and supposedly tells the beginning story of the Zionist movement.
The action of filming live will be created by performers, extras, stage hands, live musicians, life story tellers, and live directing. The performance should give the audience the chaotic atmosphere of making a film.
Premiere April 20, 8 pm at Metro Kino, Vienna
Further performances April 20, 21 and April 26 – 29
For more info click here.
April 2016
Shooting „Die Hölle“, the new movie by Stefan Ruzowitzky in Munich.
March 11, 2016 – Premiere of the film „Eine Hochzeit“ at the Diagonale Filmfestival, Graz
Directed by Sebastian Mayr. For more info click here.
December 3rd, 2015, 8:15 pm., ORF1
TV Premiere of the Upper Austrian detective film „Der Tote am Teich“ with Josef Hader and Maria Hofstätter, directed by Nikolaus Leytner.
November 2015 – February 2016
Further performances of RÄUBER – das leben stiehlt auch nur vom tod (SCHREI SCHILLER SCHREI) at Werk X, Vienna, directed by Pedro Martins Beja.
All performance dates and information here.
September/ October 2015
Rehearsing the new production of Schiller’s „RÄUBER- das leben stiehlt auch nur vom tod (SCHREI SCHILLER SCHREI)“ directed by Pedro Martins Beja. I am very excited to be playing the part of Amalia in this amazing play!
Premiere is on November 5th 2015 at Werk X, Vienna.
For more infos, dates and tickets click here.
August 28th 2015, 9pm
Premiere of the ORF crime series „Der Tote am Teich“ with Josef Hader and Maria Hofstätter at the Open Air Cinema in Windhaag, Freistadt.
For details and showing times click here.
12. August 2015
Shooting the new World War II drama „Wir sind am Leben“ directed by Nikolaus Leytner, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
May/June 2015
Rehearsals for the Songdrama “Ewig Jung“ at the Laxenburger Kultursommer. For performance dates and tickets click here:
April/ May 2015
Shooting the new feature film Low Tide (Moza el ha yam) by Daniel Mann in Tel Aviv. I am happy to be playing the female lead.
16. April 2015 – Another World Vienna Premiere
The Post Apocalyptic Zombie movie directed by Eitan Reuven will be shown as part of the Vienna Fright Nights Festival.
Interview about THE FLOOD by Badac Theatre
March 5th- 21st
THE FLOOD – London Premiere
In March we will be performing at the Draper Hall in London. More infos and tickets HERE.
Performances on March 5th, 6th, 7th , 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th, 20th, 21th at 19:30h.
Venue: Draper Tenants Hall
1 Howell Walk
SE1 6TL London
Feb – March 2015
Shooting the new ORF crime series “Der Tote am Teich”
Directed by Nikolaus Leytner
Produced by Lotus Film / ORF
I am very happy to be acting alongside the legendary Austrian comedians Josef Hader and Maria Hofstätter.
August 25th 2014
The new commercial for the webhosting company EASYNAME is online.
Voice-over: Susanne Gschwendtner
Director: Mike Kren
Production: MovieBrats
Executive Producer: Stilfabrik
August 1st – 24th 2014
The Flood, a new site-specific and immersive play by Badac Theatre Company at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
- Venue: Summerhall / The RUTS
- Category: Escalator East To Edinburgh Theatre
- Age Suitability: 14+
- Times: 18.30 & 20.30 (55 mins)
Book tickets HERE.
June/July 2014 Update
Rehearsals for the new play with Steve Lambert of Badac Theatre Company, London.
Set in the unspeakable nightmare of WW1 battlefields, switching between the visceral horror of war and an increasingly passionate and ultimately tragic love.
“The Flood” will be performed at Summerhall as part of the Edinburgh Fringe this August. For more information about the play and to book tickets click HERE
Take a look at ABC’s new prime time show The Quest airing July 31st, 2014
What is the Quest?
For more info click HERE
June 6th 2014, 9 pm
Premiere of the short film ALWAYS ON MY MIND as part of the Cinema Next Film Festival at Top Kino, Vienna.
Directed by Helen Parkes
Starring Susanne Gschwendtner and Rainer Zoffmann
Click HERE to take a look at the festival website!
May 25th 2014, 8 pm
Special screening of ANOTHER WORLD for the Israeli Academy Members at the Cinematheque Tel-Aviv.
Starring Carl McCrystal, Susanne Gschwendtner, Zachi Cohen, Davina Kevelson, David Lavenski & Larry Butchins
Directed by Eitan Reuven
Cinematography by Benji Cohen
Produced by Shlomi Aviner & Eitan Reuven, Israel
For more news, trailers and the official premiere date check out the OFFICIAL WEBSITE
May 14th 2014
The trailer of the new ABC series THE QUEST is now online!
Click HERE to watch it!
THE QUEST is a new fantasy competition series from the producers of THE LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy and THE AMAZING RACE.
Starring Susanne Gschwendtner, Jan Hutter, Peter Windhofer, Marcello de Nardo, Stefanie Buddenbrock, Florence Kasumba and Mai Duong Kieu
Directed by Bertram van Munster and Jack Cannon
Executive Producers: Bertram van Munster, Elise Doganieri, Mark Ordesky, Jane Fleming, Rob Eric and Michael Williams
April/ May 2014
Shooting of TATORT – Nullsummenspiel (working title)
Directed by Robert Dornhelm
Cinematography by Walter Kindler
Produced by e&a film, Vienna